Kelly Beaton, MPA, R.H.N.
Kelly Beaton currently resides in Ottawa, Ontario. Following a career as an executive in the private and federal public sectors, Kelly is a registered holistic nutritionist and founder of eatwellbewell, a nutrition consultancy specializing in nutrition and lifestyle support for aging brain health for individual and corporate clients.
Kelly’s interest and involvement with dementia began with her mother’s diagnosis of vascular dementia in 2014. Sharing care responsibilities with her sister, she assumed full time lived in care for her mom just before the beginning of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Being a caregiver during this period, while extremely challenging, presented a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of the disease on her mom and her and her sister’s health, as caregivers.
Her mother’s death in January 2021 inspired Kelly to study nutrition and its relationship to cognitive health. Kelly has been involved with the Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County, as a client and speaker since 2019. She joined the CCNA's Engagement of People with Lived Experience of Dementia in June 2024 with a goal to learn and contribute to research examining the effects of dementia on the individual and the caregiver.