Rosette Fernandez Loughlin
Rosette Fernandez Loughlin currently resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and has dual American and Canadian citizenship. Rosette has a career as a research scientist with experience in neuroendocrinology. She has previously worked at The Scripps Research Institute, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies as well as at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rosette’s mother, Betty, was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2008.
An only child, she became a full-time caregiver to her mother, who passed in May 2020. Rosette is determined to combine her scientific experience and personal perspective on dementia to help find a cure. She joined the CCNA’s Engagement of People with Lived Experience of Dementia in June 2020. Rosette enjoys travel and The Great British Bake Show.